Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Definition

Set me as a seal upon your heart,
   as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death,
   jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
   the very flame of the LORD.
Many waters cannot quench love,
   neither can floods drown it.
-Song of Solomon 8:6-7
Often times, being the cheese ball I am, when I love a book, I tend to read it over and over... and over and over again. Recently, the piece that has completely captured my attention is the book my Stasi and John Eldridge... Captivating. Within the first chapter of this book, it arouses a question that any girl longs to know. A question so overdue, needing only a simple answer, but somehow we have turned an effortless answer into a unanswered, complex mystery. This question is simply... Am I lovely? 
In the summertime of 2009, I was oversees on a missions trip in Haiti. It was our last night in the country and my heart was heavy; heavy with love for these people, but also with a desire to reach my own nation. Long before this point, the Lord had given me a passion, a desire, and quite the task,... to change this generation of girls to a generation who defines themselves in Him. A little bit overwhelming, right? But I held onto this vision. 
That night, He had given me a vision of a group of girls, united, praising the Lord, and in turn, discovering who they were truly created to be: beautiful women of the Lord and who He is absolutely in love with. March 29 of last year the Defined Purity Conference came to be. As I stood and watched the faithfulness of the Lord play out right before my very eyes, I was speechless. Not only had He used ME to touch other girls’ hearts, but He had truly revealed who I REALLY am and who the Lord has predestined me to be.  More then just that though... that simple fact that He LONGS to be the one who defines the very core of us. 
It is SO EASY to find ourselves letting others people, things, define who we are. Boyfriends, media, parents (odd enough, but yes), friends, you name it. An aching feeling of not-good enough, not-pretty enough, not-smart enough, not-thin enough, used, invisible, worthless... Everyone has had those moments of feeling so completely empty that nothing can fix it. Except one.  
This ONE is perfect. He is unfailing, faithful, and strong enough to take your every burden. He is real, and He sees you as His masterpiece. Girls, know one thing... HE is our definer. And what does He say we are? He says we BEAUTIFUL, we are more then enough, we are captivating, talented, worth more then we realize, and... We are LOVELY. 
Hold on to this. He loves you with a love so strong that can not be quenched. (Songs of Solomon) Do not let this mirrors of this world define who you are because you are worth MORE then you realize. (: 
Always, Rachel 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello, there!

For a while now a thought has been laid on heart: to start a blog for girls. I'm hoping that through all of the different ladies who will eventually post on this blog, that girls anywhere and everywhere will see the Light and Love of Jesus in a very real way. That they will be inspired, by the words that others write, to seek His will in not only the minor details of life but the major...that they will choose to fear the Lord in all areas of their decisions and be an example to the world. I pray for those who do choose the path of Jesus...for He promises that it won't be easy...instead He says to expect trials. Are you willing to give him all control and surrender your life to Him?? Are you prepared to embark on this crazy journey?

If so, we should have a different post up every week...